Loan EMI All in one Calculator : Scientific calculator ,EMI ,BMI, Age calculator and many more…Loan EMI All in one Calculator is the quality utility of mathematical and monetary calculation that consists of quite a few beneficial calculators and converters.Try these effective computing abilities and intuitive and based utility designed.Make your existence simpler with this Free multi calculator all-in-one app, Multi calculator app that does more than one features barring putting in more than one calculator or converter apps.APP FEATURES :***********✓ Standard Calculator• Keeps the function of a pocket calculator and some math operators.✓ Scientific Calculator• A power calculator that helps remedy math formulation with more than a few features such as permutation and combinations. The scientific calculator additionally comes with logarithm, exponential, and modulus operations. It is a great app for any student studying mechanical engineering, physics, or mathematics.✓ BMI Calculator• Calculate BMI(Body Mass Index), BFP(Body Fat Percentage) and Ideal Weight in one screen and its very easy to use.✓ Loan EMI Calculator• EMI Calculator : Calculate any type of loan easily.• EMI Calculator is a simple loan calculation tool that helps the user to quickly calculate EMI.• Easy and fast way to calculate your Loan EMI.✓ Age Calculator• calculate your age very easily.✓ Percentage Calculator• Super easy to use percentage calculator for any business and personal uses.✓ Discount Calculator• discount calculator is super easy to use. Just a click.All these points on the Calculator app are free to use. So, what are you ready for? If you are searching for the high-quality and pocket-friendly calculator app to exchange the more than one calculator apps on your Android phone, begin the use of this “Loan EMI All in one Calculator” app now.Thanks.